#larkletteringchallenge Day 3: c

C is for calligraphy. (Obvi.) And cats. And Charlize Theron, because Atomic Blonde. <3

How are your c’s shaping up?

Join us in the 30 Day Lettering Challenge in August! Don’t forget to use hashtag #larkletteringchallenge because at the end of the Challenge, one lucky participant is going to walk away with some lettering swag! But let’s be honest. We’re all winners here because we’ll have adapted some great daily lettering habits.


#larkletteringchallenge Day 2: b

B is for ballet. This summer I decided to take an adult ballet class to help with my flamenco dance form and have loved the process! It’s an important takeaway in this whole process — practice isn’t just to make us better, the process is part of the fun.

Can’t wait to see what you bake up with your b’s! Don’t forget to use hashtag #larkletteringchallenge because at the end of the 30 Day Challenge, one lucky participant is going to walk away with some lettering swag! But let’s be honest. We’re all winners here because we’ll have adapted some great daily lettering habits.


#larkletteringchallenge Day 1: a

Are you going to join us in the 30-Day Lark Lettering Challenge? During the month of August, we’re going to letter our way through the alphabet, day by day, and we hope you’ll join us! I encourage you to get creative and try different ways to write these familiar letters.

Don’t forget to use hashtag #larkletteringchallenge because at the end of the 30 Day Challenge, one lucky participant is going to walk away with some lettering swag! But let’s be honest. We’re all winners here because we’ll have adapted some great daily lettering habits.


30 Day Lettering Challenge – Learn Your Letters in August

Do you find your creativity thrives and work actually gets done when you have a deadline? Me, too. For the month of August, join us in a 30-day Lettering Challenge, Learn Your Letters, where we’ll letter our way through the lowercase alphabet and end the month with a few simple words. No formal experience is required.

Here’s how you can participate in the Lettering Challenge:
  • Do one letter a day (or as many as you can manage) during the month of August
  • Take a photo of your letterform and post it on Instagram or Facebook, using hashtag #larkletteringchallenge
  • At the end of the month we’ll have some cool calligraphy swag for one lucky participant!

This is a great opportunity to experiment with different ways to create different letterforms. Get inspired! Try new styles! See what sticks! Can’t wait to see what you cook up. May the lettering begin!


