Watercolor Lettering Demo + Workshop at Daniel Smith Fine Art Supply Store

This holiday season, we’re excited to bring you a series of events at the Daniel Smith Fine Art Supply Store in Seattle. If you haven’t had the pleasure of going to Daniel Smith yet, this will be a real treat for you! It’s a warehouse full of art supplies and the kindest human beings, making it my go-to for art supplies in town. Their watercolors are simply sumptuous.

Watercolors are my favorite medium to letter with — they give you so much freedom, the color combinations are limitless, and the texture has a certain je ne se quois that is unparalleled.

On Sunday, November 18 from 11am to 12:30pm, we’ll be leading a free Watercolor Lettering demo, introducing you to our favorite watercolor supplies — paper, brushes, and paints — and demonstrate how they work to create a lovely finished project.

Watercolor Lettering – Saturday, December 1 from 10:30am to 2:30pm at Daniel Smith Fine Art Supplies

Then on Saturday, December 1 from 10:30 – 2:30pm, we’re going to teach a Watercolor Lettering workshop. During the class, you’ll learn how to mix watercolor paints with water and blending colors together to achieve your favorite colors. Then we’ll explore modern calligraphy techniques and spend the rest of the class learning a playful brush lettering alphabet using paint brush and watercolors. Since this class is one hour longer than usual, you’ll have extra time to work on a lettering project with your newfound watercolor lettering skills!

These will be our last public lettering events of the year, so we hope you’ll join us! Find details and register here for the free Watercolor Lettering demo and Watercolor Lettering workshop.